Runeasi: run with quality

by runeasi

Health & Fitness


Runeasi is the first scientifically validated biomechanics wearable solution that empowers you with accurate, objective data and actionable insights. Our wearable solution is already being used by over hundreds of sports physical therapists and podiatrists in over 10 countries.Screen your athletes in less than 60 seconds to obtain their running quality profile, identify their weakest links and track their progress, or use our gait retraining module to test out in real time which running cue works best for each individual.The Runeasi Running Quality score educates and empowers athletes along their personal health journey.▪️ What is the Runeasi Running Quality score?Runeasi Running Quality is a global score from 0 to 100 that captures the overall movement quality of running. Its based on 3 crucial biomechanical components that are linked to running injury risk and performance. The score empowers your athletes education, pinpoints their weakest link (i.e. component) for you, and provides you with individualized recommendations on how to improve it!▪️ How is Runeasi Running Quality derived?The global score consolidates three key crucial components: impact loading, dynamic stability & symmetry. Each component plays a vital role in injury-risk factors and running efficiency parameters (Schütte et al. 2018; Pla et al. 2021; Melo et al. 2020; Johnson et al. 2020). With minimal but valuable information, you instantly get a biomechanical blueprint of your athlete/patient.▪️ How will Runeasi Running Quality successfully guide your training recommendations?Our automated training recommendation workflow provides specific exercise intervention frameworks, running tips, and cues related to your athletes weakest link. These guidelines will help you further individualize and finetune training programs to achieve the most optimal results with your athletes.